Chapter Donations

We are always happy to receive donations! They help keep our chapter going and make our game even better. All monetary donations are rewarded at the Refuge LARP standard of 5 Chapter Points per $1 donated. When there are is a donation drive, the rewards are even better!

We do not currently have needs for specific donations, but if there are items or services that you can offer for donation (such as costuming, packets, or props), please contact our General Manager.

Donation Drive

Our 2023 Donation Drive is running from the 15th of February to the 15th of May as per Refuge Bylaws. Any donations received during this time will be awarded chapter points at a rate of 10 Chapter Points per $1 Canadian donated. We are also holding a raffle this year for 100 Refuge Points. The Raffle will be held within a week of our fundraiser ending.

For your reference, you can find the rewards offered for our 2023 Donation Drive in this document.

Donating via e-Transfer (preferred):

Please submit your donation to Please send an email to with your donation receipt and (if applicable) what your bonus item choices are, and to be entered into the raffle. Please make sure that you provide information about your Refuge Database account so we can easily reward you your Chapter Points. This account is set up for Autodeposit so you won't need a security question or answer.

Donating via PayPal:

Please submit your donation to Please send an email to with your donation receipt and (if applicable) what your bonus item choices are, and to be entered into the raffle. Please make sure that you provide information about your Refuge Database account so we can easily reward you your Chapter Points.